Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After having been in dirty and crowded Paris, Berlin seemed to be heaven. It's much bigger, more relaxed, relatively cheap for a captital and simply awesome. We stayed in a little cabin which used to be a pidpen and was redecorated to accomodate tourist and which belongs to the house my cousin lives in. It was much cheaper than staying in a hotel and it even included a little kitchen where we cooked our own meals. Not that either of us can actually cook; we just had pasta with sauce bolognese.
On the day of our arrival we decided to look at the most popular sights of Berlin: the Brandenburger Tor/Gate and the Reichstag (the German Parliament). B, who looks like a south European citizen due to his dark hair and eyes, was searched thoroughly before they let him into the Reichstag. I think they were sure that his cheap cell phone was some kind of bomb! *lol*
Then we went to Checkpoint Charlie, the crossing point between West and East Berlin during World War II. But it was way to commercialized. They even wanted 1€ just for having your picture taken with a guy that looked like an American soldier (but he was far from American). We ended our sightseeing tour with a look at the GDR-museum which included a Trabant, a very old East German car which is basically made out of cardboard! :-P Most of our evening in Berlin ended with chocolate, chips, and cheap wine!

After a quick look at the Schloß/Castle Charlottenburg and the Siegessäule, we went to the Jewish Monument. It looks weird at first sight. But you can make the coolest videos!
The last two stops on this second day were at the Berliner Dom/Cathedral and the KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens / Department Store of the West) - the biggest department store in Germany.
After a half-day trip to Potsdam and Schloß/Castle Sanssouci, we looked at the rest of the East German wall.
The last day was spent on the Fernsehturm / Television Tower and found a weird looking church on the Kuhdamm (a very expensive shopping street).
And last, but not least: That's how the house of my cousin looks like from the outside! I promise you: The inside looked much better! :-P

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