Sunday, December 28, 2008

My third blog!

I created this blog to inform you (whoever is interested) about my trips around Germany and Paris (Damn, I still have to book the Paris-trip!!!).
My friend from the US is coming over to Germany to study at university in Dortmund. But before his semester starts he'll come to Kassel for 2 months (He'll arrive on January 13th.). During that time we'll travel around Germany/Europe a bit. So far, we are planning to go to Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, and Thale (my hometown and the surrounding area). To most of these places I've never been myself although I'm German and grew up in Germany. That's why it's going to be an interesting time for me as well.
Unfortunately, in February I'll have two exams, so it's going to be a bit stressful and choatic. So, wish me luck!
By the way, my friend and I decided to call each other B (because I'm usually called Bine and his name is....well, let's just say it also starts with a "B"! :-P). It's so much easier to remember! *lol*

PS. My other webpages/blogs:

PPS. My e-mail-address:

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